rehabilitation exercises
Vestibular Rehabilitation Exercises
The following exercises include Videos that were created to improve your Vestibular and Ocular-Motor function.
Smooth pursuit and saccades are both important components of your oculomotor control system. Smooth pursuit is the ability for your eyes to smoothy track a moving object. Saccades are more rapid eye movements that allow the eyes to quickly and accurately move from one object to another.
The Vestibular Ocular Reflex (VOR) differs from the oculomotor system and helps you to stabilize your gaze on a stationary object during head movements.
Head trauma can cause impairments in Oculomotor and VOR function, resulting in an array of symptoms including: slower reading, decreased comprehension, skipping words, missing objects, blurriness, eye fatigue, headaches, foggy headedness, movement-related dizziness and nausea.
The videos on the following pages are intended to improve smooth pursuit, saccades and VOR function. The videos progress from easier to more difficult, and your Physiotherapist has determined which level you should be completing and will be assisting you in progressing to more difficult tasks.
Note that these exercises may aggravate your symptoms and you should rest between exercises until your symptoms resolve. If your symptoms last longer than 5 minutes after an exercise, do not proceed with the next exercise and let your Physiotherapist know.